
Skip Navigation LinksDoctoral School of Philosophy and Social – Political Sciences (2014)

​​​​Issue 3, Year of Award - 2014


The DSPSPS has a strong interdisciplinary character, open to the latest research in these areas; whican can boast with great international achievements: participation in conferences and forums, publications, and numerous joint supervisions with prestigious universities from Europe. The Philosophy and Social – Political Sciences Faculty has four doctoral programs: Philosophy, Sciences of Communication, Sociology and Political Sciences, but the strength of this PhD program lies in the diversity of its specializations. PhD students can chose a major or a minor field in the areas the department offers: Comparative Politics, International Relations, EU Policies and Institutions, History of Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Religion, Semiotics, Ethics, Hermeutics, Philosophical Anthropology, Metaphysics, Axiology, Philosophy of Culture and Intercultural Communication, Logic and Applications, Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory, Psycho-Sociology, Sociology of Religions, Legal Sociology and Social Work On Vulnerable Groups, Aesthetics , and many others.

 Caseta redacțională


 Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD
 Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu
 Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu
 Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban

 Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași
 Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România
 Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102;
 E-mail: ;
 Pagina web:

 ISSN: 2501-1375
 ISSN-L: 2501-1375


Șuțiu, Cristina, Lucia, Ethical and non-ethical in political propaganda.pdfȘuțiu, Cristina, Lucia, Ethical and non-ethical in political propaganda 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Etic și non-etic în propaganda politică 
 Title (English)Ethical and non-ethical in political propaganda. Abstract 
 AuthorȘuțiu, Cristina, Lucia 
 PhD supervisorCozma, Carmen, PhD Professor 
Propaganda, rhetoric, oratory, communication, political propaganda, persuasion, conviction, manipulation, ethic, ethical responsability, mith, totalitarianism, fascism, nazism
 APACitationȘuțiu, Cristina, Lucia (2014), Ethical and non-ethical in political propaganda. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Zigman, Oana, Workplace violence against women.pdfZigman, Oana, Workplace violence against women 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Violența împotriva femeii la locul de muncă 
 Title (English)Workplace violence against women. Abstract 
 AuthorZigman, Oana 
 PhD supervisorGavriluță, Nicu, PhD Professor 
perception, risk, workplace violence, mobbing, bullying, sexual harassement, victim, victimization.
 APACitationZigman, Oana (2014), Workplace violence against women. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Vicovanu, Daniel-Stefan, Ground communications computation- semiotics contributions.pdfVicovanu, Daniel-Stefan, Ground communications computation- semiotics contributions 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Comunicarea prin limbaj computațional: contribuții semiotice 
 Title (English)Ground communications computation: semiotics contributions. Abstract 
 AuthorVicovanu, Daniel-Stefan 
 PhD supervisorStănciulescu, Traian–Dinorel, PhD Professor 
Ambiguity, anaphora, Analysis, conceptual analysis, situational analysis, arbitration,
Rationale, Frame,  reverse division, Clit Code
 APACitationVicovanu, Daniel-Stefan (2014), Ground communications computation: semiotics contributions. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Ursache, Liviu, Asceticism and exegenesis in the work of Henri de Lubac.pdfUrsache, Liviu, Asceticism and exegenesis in the work of Henri de Lubac 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Asceză și exegeză în opera lui Henri de Lubac 
 Title (English)Asceticism and exegenesis in the work of Henri de Lubac. Abstract 
 AuthorUrsache, Liviu 
 PhD supervisorDancă, Wilhelm, PhD Professor 
Exegesis, asceticism, interpretation, hermeneutics, historical sense, allegorical sense, tropological sense, anagogical meaning, Christological interpretation, theological interpretation
 APACitationUrsache, Liviu (2014), Asceticism and exegenesis in the work of Henri de Lubac. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Tarlion, Lorena, Analysis concerning the institutional protective and risk factors in the juvenile courts’ case law.pdfTarlion, Lorena, Analysis concerning the institutional protective and risk factors in the juvenile courts’ case law 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Analiză asupra factorilor protectivi şi de risc instituţionali în practica instanţei pentru minori 
 Title (English)Analysis concerning the institutional protective and risk factors in the juvenile courts’ case law. Abstract 
 AuthorTarlion, Lorena 
 PhD supervisorBalahur, Doina, PhD Professor 
child, juvenile victim, juvenile victimology, child offendre, child victim, child witness, legal representative, family member, juvenile court, legal authority, police officer, prosecutor, judge, lawyer, psychologist, aggressor
 APACitationTarlion, Lorena (2014), Analysis concerning the institutional protective and risk factors in the juvenile courts’ case law. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Pop, Mariana, Differentiated instruction - strategies and forms of school inclusion for primary education.pdfPop, Mariana, Differentiated instruction - strategies and forms of school inclusion for primary education 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Educația diferențiată - strategii și forme de incluziune școlară pentru învățământul primar 
 Title (English)Differentiated instruction - strategies and forms of school inclusion for primary education. Abstract 
 AuthorPop, Mariana 
 PhD supervisorCozma, Teodor, PhD Professor 
Differentiated Education, Differentiation, Differentiated approach, Differentiated instruction, Differentiated curriculum, Curricular flexibility, Inclusive Education, Integration, School integration

 APACitationPop, Mariana (2014), Differentiated instruction - strategies and forms of school inclusion for primary education. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Munteanu, Gabriela, Euthanasia – Free Choice or Manipulation.pdfMunteanu, Gabriela, Euthanasia – Free Choice or Manipulation 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Eutanasia - Alegere liberă sau manipulare? 
 Title (English)Euthanasia – Free Choice or Manipulation? Abstract 
 AuthorMunteanu, Gabriela 
 PhD supervisorDancă, Wilhelm, PhD Professor 
Euthanasia, manipulation, assisted suicide, medicalization, Foucault, Gadamer, patient, doctor, palliative care, life, death, fear, quality of person, terminal sedation
 APACitationMunteanu, Gabriela (2014), Euthanasia – Free Choice or Manipulation? Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Mandiuc, Ana-Maria, Assuming the maternal role within the context of practicing prostitution.pdfMandiuc, Ana-Maria, Assuming the maternal role within the context of practicing prostitution 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Asumarea rolului matern în contextul practicării prostituției 
 Title (English)Assuming the maternal role within the context of practicing prostitution. Abstract 
 AuthorMandiuc, Ana-Maria 
 PhD supervisorBalahur, Doina, PhD Professor 
prostitution, sex trade, commercial sexual services, commercial sex worker, mother, motherhood, child, children's rights, risk
 APACitationMandiuc, Ana-Maria (2014), Assuming the maternal role within the context of practicing prostitution. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Măgurean, Silvia,Changing smoching related implicit cognitions.pdfMăgurean, Silvia,Changing smoching related implicit cognitions 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Schimbarea cognițiilor implicite față de fumat 
 Title (English)Changing smoching related implicit cognitions. Abstract 
 AuthorMăgurean, Silvia 
 PhD supervisorConstantin, Ticu, PhD Professor 
tobacco consumption, chemical dependence, Pharmacotherapy, smoker
 APACitationMăgurean, Silvia (2014), Changing smoching related implicit cognitions. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Ghiurca, Cazimir, Libertates et voluntas in J. Duns Scotus.pdfGhiurca, Cazimir, Libertates et voluntas in J. Duns Scotus 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Libertates et voluntas in J. Duns Scotus  
 Title (English)Libertates et voluntas in J. Duns Scotus. Abstract 
 AuthorGhiurca, Cazimir 
 PhD supervisorAdămuț, Anton, PhD Professor 
Freedom, will, free will, contingency, necessity, reason, happiness, good, justice, intellect, mind, practicality, praxis, moral duty, concept, being, love, knowledge, essence, ethics, liberation, transcendence, anthropology, power, potency
 APACitationGhiurca, Cazimir (2014), Libertates et voluntas in J. Duns Scotus. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Duma, Bernadin, Communitarian personalism of Emmanuel Mounier.pdfDuma, Bernadin, Communitarian personalism of Emmanuel Mounier 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Personalismul comunitar la Emmanuel Mounier 
 Title (English)Communitarian personalism of Emmanuel Mounier. Abstract 
 AuthorDuma, Bernadin 
 PhD supervisorDancă, Wilhelm, PhD Professor 
Person, personalism, crisis, individualism, purghe man, method, influence concept, anthropology, Christian perspective, personal universe, embodied existence, communication, intimacy, commitment, action, history, society, humanism
 APACitationDuma, Bernadin (2014), Communitarian personalism of Emmanuel Mounier. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Covaciu, Ștefan, Structural elements of political marketing - political advertising and publicity.pdfCovaciu, Ștefan, Structural elements of political marketing - political advertising and publicity 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Elemente constructive ale marketingului politic - publicitatea  și reclama politică 
 Title (English)Structural elements of political marketing: political advertising and publicity. Abstract 
 AuthorCovaciu, Ștefan 
 PhD supervisorSălăvăstru, Constantin, PhD Professor 
 DomainPolitical Sciences 
Political marketing, Political communication, Political transaction,The principal-agent theory, Quality uncertainty, Trading costs, Politician – voter relationship, Political image, Political complexity
 APACitationCovaciu, Ștefan (2014), Structural elements of political marketing: political advertising and publicity. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Caras (Frunză), Ana, A deconstructive approach of ethical values. Ethics expertise. Abstract.pdfCaras (Frunză), Ana, A deconstructive approach of ethical values. Ethics expertise. Abstract 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)O abordare deconstructivă a valorilor etice. Expertiză etică 
 Title (English)A deconstructive approach of ethical values. Ethics expertise. Abstract 
 AuthorCaras (Frunză), Ana 
 PhD supervisorCozma, Carmen, PhD Professor 
 DomainPolitical Sciences 
deconstruction – (re)construction; ethical values; autonomy; responsibility; justice; ethics expertise; ethics audit; counselling of ethics; ethics committees; supervision of ethics
 APACitationCaras (Frunză), Ana (2014), A deconstructive approach of ethical values. Ethics expertise. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Bumbaru, Diana-Lavinia, Giovanni Papini's case- philosophy as Praeparatio evangelica (model of conversions).pdfBumbaru, Diana-Lavinia, Giovanni Papini's case- philosophy as Praeparatio evangelica (model of conversions) 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Cazul Giovanni Papini: filosofia ca praeparatio evangelica (modelul unei convertiri) 
 Title (English)Giovanni Papini's case: philosophy as Praeparatio evangelica (model of conversions). Abstract 
 AuthorBumbaru, Diana-Lavinia 
 PhD supervisorAdămuț, Anton, PhD Professor 
Pragmatism, religion, philosophy, Saint Augustine, Giovanni Papini, conversion
 APACitationBumbaru, Diana-Lavinia (2014), Giovanni Papini's case: philosophy as Praeparatio evangelica (model of conversions). Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Apopei, Ana, Public perception and dynamics of status socio-profesional of sociologist.pdfApopei, Ana, Public perception and dynamics of status socio-profesional of sociologist 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Percepția publică și dinamica statului socio-profesional al sociologului 
 Title (English)Public perception and dynamics of status socio-profesional of sociologist. Abstract 
 AuthorApopei, Ana 
 PhD supervisorGavriluță, Nicu, PhD Professor 
public perception, dynamic socio -professional status of Sociology, Professor, professionalism, professionalization of sociology students on the profession of sociologist vision,
public perception sociologist image
 APACitationApopei, Ana (2014), Public perception and dynamics of status socio-profesional of sociologist. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Amarandei (Doltu), Daniela, Livia, Ethical management in Romanian public institutions.pdfAmarandei (Doltu), Daniela, Livia, Ethical management in Romanian public institutions 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Management  etic în instituții publice din România 
 Title (English)Ethical management in Romanian public institutions. Abstract 
 AuthorAmarandei (Doltu), Daniela, Livia 
 PhD supervisorCozma, Carmen, PhD Professor 
ethic management, public institutions, managerial morality, ethical decision making, human resource, unethical behavior
 APACitationAmarandei (Doltu), Daniela, Livia (2014), Ethical management in Romanian public institutions. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Toma, Mădălina, The artistic genius. Case study – Van Gogh. Abstract.pdfToma, Mădălina, The artistic genius. Case study – Van Gogh. Abstract 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Geniul artistic. Studiu de caz – Van Gogh 
 Title (English)The artistic genius. Case study – Van Gogh. Abstract 
 AuthorToma, Mădălina 
 PhD supervisorZaharia, Dumitru, PhD Professor 
aptitudes, talent, artistic genius, madness of the genius
 APACitationToma, Mădălina (2014), The artistic genius. Case study – Van Gogh. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: