Issue 3, Year of Award - 2014 The domain in which the doctoral studies are held, i.e.
Humanities, specialization Philology, is reflected in the research directions
of the Doctoral School of Philological Studies, within two main study modules:
The Literary Module and the Linguistic Module. Research directions: Romanian Language and Literature,
General Linguistics, Stylistics and Poetics, English Language and Literature,
French Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Russian
Language and Literature, Classical Language and Literature (Latin and Greek),
Translation Studies, Comparative Literature, Ethnology And Folklore. | |
Caseta redacțională
Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102; E-mail: ; Pagina web:
ISSN: 2501-1375 ISSN-L: 2501-1375
| Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Terminologia și traducerea textelor de uz general de tehnologie a informațiilor și comunicațiilor (TIC) din perspectivă românească | | | Title (English) | Terminology and Translation of General Use ICT Texts - A Romanian Perspective. Abstract | | | Author | Ciobanu (Postolea), Sorina | | | PhD supervisor | Dimitriu, Rodica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | translation studies, corpus-based translation studies, terminology, specialized translation, corpus linguistics, parallel corpus, translation patterns, contrastive linguistics, phraseology, register analysis | | | APACitation | Ciobanu (Postolea), Sorina (2014), Terminology and Translation of General Use ICT Texts - A Romanian Perspective. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Explorarea teritoriilor ascunse ale eului feminin victorian | | | Title (English) | Mapping the territories of the hidden victorian female self. Abstract | | | Author | Avarvarei, Simona, Catrinel | | | PhD supervisor | Avădanei, Ștefan, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | women’s writing, feminist criticism, cultural anthropology, gender studies, feminism
| | | APACitation | Avarvarei, Simona, Catrinel (2014), Mapping the territories of the hidden victorian female self. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Resurge lingvistice pentru prelucrarea limbajului natural | | | Title (English) | Linguistic Resources for the Natural Language Processing. Abstract | | | Author | Perez, Cenel-Augusto | | | PhD supervisor | Munteanu, Eugen, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Linguistic Resources, NLP (Natural Language Processing), Syntax, Dependency Grammars, Linguistic Corpus, Treebank, Annotation, POS-tagger, XML, Syntactic Structure, Syntactic Relation, Parser, FDG (Functional Dependency Grammar) | | | APACitation | Perez, Cenel-Augusto (2014), Linguistic Resources for the Natural Language Processing. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Limba și cultura germană în Bucovina de Sud. Procesul de dispariție a unei enclave culturale | | | Title (English) | German Language and Culture in Southern Bukovina.The Disappearance of a Cultural Enclave. Abstract | | | Author | Țurcaș, Ioan, Lucian, Macarie | | | PhD supervisor | Corbea-Hoișie, Andrei, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Bukovina, linguistic enclave, Zipsers, Swabians, Bohemians
| | | APACitation | Țurcaș, Ioan, Lucian, Macarie (2014), German Language and Culture in Southern Bukovina.The Disappearance of a Cultural Enclave. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Aspecte ale comunicării conflictuale în discursul televizual românesc actual | | | Title (English) | Aspects of conflictual communication in the current Romanian televised speech. Abstract | | | Author | Tocilă (Pintilii), Maria-Alina | | | PhD supervisor | Cărăușu, Luminița, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Conflictual communication, televised discourse, disagreement, impoliteness, argumentation, nonverbal communication
| | | APACitation | Tocilă (Pintilii), Maria-Alina (2014), Aspects of conflictual communication in the current Romanian televised speech. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Depășind granițele: identitate și spațiu în romanele lui Nadine Gordimer | | | Title (English) | Crossing borders: identity and place in Nadine Gordimer's novels. Abstract | | | Author | Tecucianu, Cătălin | | | PhD supervisor | Blumenfeld, Odette, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | South Africa, apartheid, border, identity, liberalism, Nadine Gordimer, space
| | | APACitation | Tecucianu, Cătălin (2014), Crossing borders: identity and place in Nadine Gordimer's novels. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Coordonate istorice și tipologice ale barocului rus | | | Title (English) | Historical and typological coordinates of the Russian baroque. Abstact | | | Author | Tcaciuc (Manole), Nataşa | | | PhD supervisor | Constantinescu, Viorica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Naryshkin Baroque, Petrine Baroque, Elizavetan Baroque, Simeon Polotski, Baroque sermon, panegyric poetry, anagrams, acrostic, figurative poetry, echo-poetry, Macaronic poetry, emblem, scholastic theatre | | | APACitation | Tcaciuc (Manole), Nataşa (2014), Historical and typological coordinates of the Russian baroque. Abstact (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Particularităţi lingvistice ale textului din cadrul conținutului generat de utilizatorii români pe platformele sociale online. Abstract | | | Title (English) | Linguistic particularities of the text from Romanian user generated content on online social platforms . Abstract | | | Author | Stipiuc, Andrei | | | PhD supervisor | Cărăușu, Lăcrămioara, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Internet, Internet linguistics, User Generated Content, UGC, Web space, Web, sociolinguistics, computer-mediated communication, CMC, linguistic variety, social network, Facebook, online platforms, Romanian language, Romanian users, code switching, ritual | | | APACitation | Stipiuc, Andrei (2014), Linguistic particularities of the text from Romanian user generated content on online social platforms . Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Opera lui E.T.A. Hoffmann - deschideri către gândirea modernității | | | Title (English) | E.T.A. Hoffmann's literature - opening to modernity thinking. Abstract | | | Author | Scrumeda, Andreea | | | PhD supervisor | Corbea-Hoișie, Andrei, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Hoffmannism, Hoffmannesque, Romanticism, modernity, psychoanalysis
| | | APACitation | Scrumeda, Andreea (2014), E.T.A. Hoffmann's literature - opening to modernity thinking. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Figura doicii afro-americane în literatură și pe marele ecran | | | Title (English) | The image of the mamy in American literature on the silver screen. Abstract | | | Author | Radu, Alexandra | | | PhD supervisor | Blumenfeld, Odette, , PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Mammy, North, South, Master, slave, stereotype, feminism, Civil War, Black women, typologies of white women, race and hierarchy | | | APACitation | Radu, Alexandra (2014), The image of the mamy in American literature on the silver screen. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Ficţional şi non-ficţional în proza Ninei Berberova | | | Title (English) | Fiction and non - fiction in Nina Berberova's prose. Abstract | | | Author | Radu (Lupeică), Diana, Irina | | | PhD supervisor | Constantinescu, Viorica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | biography, memoirs, diary, exile, alienation, history, narratology, fictional, factual, paratext, poetic fairy tale | | | APACitation | Radu (Lupeică), Diana, Irina (2014), Fiction and non - fiction in Nina Berberova's prose. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Poetică postmodernă urbană: perspective privind metropola americană în lucrările lui Paul Auster | | | Title (English) | A Postmodern Urban Poetics: Perspectives on the American. Abstract | | | Author | Pascariu, Lucia-Hedviga | | | PhD supervisor | Blumenfeld, Odette, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Postmodern, Urban Poetics, American Metropolis, Paul Auster
| | | APACitation | Pascariu, Lucia-Hedviga (2014), A Postmodern Urban Poetics: Perspectives on the American. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Generația Albatros - o nouă avangardă | | | Title (English) | The Albatross Generation – A New Avant-garde. Abstract | | | Author | Opăriuc (Cuzmici), Loredana | | | PhD supervisor | Petrescu, Lăcrămioara, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | avant-garde, antimodernism, postmodernism, totalitarianism, ideology, subversive literature, committed literature, anti-literature, Romanian post-war literature | | | APACitation | Opăriuc (Cuzmici), Loredana (2014), The Albatross Generation – A New Avant-garde. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | Romanian | | | Title (Romanian) | Provocări şi dificultăţi în traducerea textelor medicale din şi în limbile română şi engleză | | | Title (English) | Challenges and Difficulties in Translating Medical Texts from and into Romanian and English. Abstract | | | Author | Năznean, Adrian | | | PhD supervisor | Dumitru, Rodica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Traduceri specializate, probleme de traducere ale textelor medicale, studiu bazat pe un corpus de texte, terminologie medicală engleză, traduceri engleză-română, traduceri română-engleză, trăsături ale articolelor medicale | | | APACitation | Năznean, Adrian (2014), Challenges and Difficulties in Translating Medical Texts from and into Romanian and English. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Structuri disociative în discursul publicitar românesc și francez contemporan | | | Title (English) | Dissociative Structures In Romanian and French Contemporary Discourse of Advertising. Abstract | | | Author | Munteanu, Marius-Octavian | | | PhD supervisor | Cărăușu, Luminița, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Discourse analysis, advertising discourse, publocutor (advertising speaker), pubalocutor (advertising addressee), logo, slogan, body copy, info-persuasion, argumentative discourse, argumentative scheme
| | | APACitation | Munteanu, Marius-Octavian (2014), Dissociative Structures In Romanian and French Contemporary Discourse of Advertising. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Evoluția mentalităților reflectată în Însemnări de pe manuscrise și cărți vechi din Țara Moldovei | | | Title (English) | The Evolution of Mentalities in Notes on the Manuscripts and Old Books in Moldavia. Abstract | | | Author | Mocanu (Lupu), Maria | | | PhD supervisor | Gafton, Alexandru, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | marginal notes, daily universe, temporality, book, calamities, curse, currency, historical pieces
| | | APACitation | Mocanu (Lupu), Maria (2014), The Evolution of Mentalities in Notes on the Manuscripts and Old Books in Moldavia. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Proza victoriana feminina în cautarea unei voci proprii: Elizabeth Gaskell | | | Title (English) | Feminine Victorian Prose Writing in Quest of ‘the’ Voice: Elizabeth Gaskell. Abstract | | | Author | Mihul (Ciobanu), Irina, Raluca | | | PhD supervisor | Avădanei, Ștefan, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorianism, feminine prose writing, genre and gender, 19th century Victorian gender ideology, textual and extratextual voice, “Condition of England” novel, provincial novel, fallen woman novel
| | | APACitation | Mihul (Ciobanu), Irina, Raluca (2014), Feminine Victorian Prose Writing in Quest of ‘the’ Voice: Elizabeth Gaskell. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Localizarea website-urilor : deplasarea accentului pe utilizatorul final | | | Title (English) | Localizing Websites: Shifting Focus onto the End-User. Abstract | | | Author | Lakó, Cristian | | | PhD supervisor | Dumitru, Rodica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | end-user oriented website localization, SEO localization, onomasiological website localization, onomasiological translation, SEO translation, GILT, text internationalization, source text standardization, glocalization, text adaptation
| | | APACitation | Lakó, Cristian (2014), Localizing Websites: Shifting Focus onto the End-User. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Mitul faustic în tragediile lui Shakespeare și Ibsen: Hamlet, Othello, Brand, Peer Gynt | | | Title (English) | The Faustian Myth in Shakespeare’s and Ibsen’s Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, Brand, Peer Gynt. Abstract | | | Author | Iftime (Andrușcă), Andreea-Oana | | | PhD supervisor | Avădanei, Ștefan, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Faustianism, tragic, limits of knowledge, activism, ontological freedom, duality
| | | APACitation | Iftime (Andrușcă), Andreea-Oana (2014), The Faustian Myth in Shakespeare’s and Ibsen’s Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, Brand, Peer Gynt. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Receptarea operei lui Ovidius în cultura română | | | Title (English) | The reception of Ovid's work in the romanian culture. Abstract | | | Author | Ichim (Coca), Dorica | | | PhD supervisor | Munteanu, Eugen, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Ovid, reception, Augustus , Romanian literature , comparative study, Romanian culture | | | APACitation | Ichim (Coca), Dorica (2014), The reception of Ovid's work in the romanian culture. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Omiliile și Epistolele Sfântului Grigorie Palama. Retorică și Hermeneutică în Bizanț | | | Title (English) | The Homilies and Epistles of Saint Gregory Palamas. Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Byzantium. Abstract | | | Author | Enache, Laura | | | PhD supervisor | Diaconescu, Traian, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | apologetic discourse, Ecumenical council, enkomion, exegesis, Gregory Palamas, hagiography, hermeneutics, patristic, exegetic
| | | APACitation | Enache, Laura (2014), The Homilies and Epistles of Saint Gregory Palamas. Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Byzantium. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Limba și stilul prozei lui Vasile Voiculescu | | | Title (English) | The Language and Style of Vasile Voiculescu’s Prose. Abstract | | | Author | Dimitriu, Carmen | | | PhD supervisor | Munteanu, Eugen, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | symbolic wealth, mythical magic, language elements, space described expressive, semantic sphere
| | | APACitation | Dimitriu, Carmen (2014), The Language and Style of Vasile Voiculescu’s Prose. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Identitate feminină şi identitate textuală în opera romanescă a lui Anne Hébert | | | Title (English) | Feminine and Textual Identity in Anne Hébert’s Novels. Abstract | | | Author | Ciurea (Căileanu), Anca-Mihaela | | | PhD supervisor | Călinescu, Alexandru, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Feminine identity, textual identity, text construction, fragmentary structure, discontinuity identity, narrative discontinuity, identity multiplication, duality
| | | APACitation | Ciurea (Căileanu), Anca-Mihaela (2014), Feminine and Textual Identity in Anne Hébert’s Novels. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | Romanian | | | Title (Romanian) | Literatura din Germania și Austria în ziarele de limba germană din Cernăuți (1918-1933) | | | Title (English) | Literature from Germany and Austria in the German-written newspapers in Czernowitz | | | Author | Chelaru, Nora | | | PhD supervisor | Corbea-Hoișie, Andrei, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Cernauti, limba germana, ziare, presa | | | APACitation | Chelaru, Nora (2014), Literature from Germany and Austria in the German-written newspapers in Czernowitz (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Morala si religia în Decadentism | | | Title (English) | Morals and Religion in Decadentism. Abstract | | | Author | Capșa-Togan, Mihai, Gabriel | | | PhD supervisor | Constantinescu, Viorica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | art for art, artificial, Catholicism, faith, dandy, decadence, degeneration, denaturalization, hero, hedonism, gay aestheticus-religiosus, individualism, martyr, moral, mystical naturalism, neurosis, Parnassians, progress
| | | APACitation | Capșa-Togan, Mihai, Gabriel (2014), Morals and Religion in Decadentism. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Ipostaze ale lui Don Juan în dramaturgia română din secolul al XX-lea. Resemantizări literare ale modelului mitic | | | Title (English) | Hypostases of Don Juan in the Romanian dramaturgy of the XXth century. Literary resemantisations of the mythical model. Abstract | | | Author | Botezatu, Florentina, Gabriela | | | PhD supervisor | Constantinescu, Viorica, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Philology | | | Keywords | Don Juan, myth, mythical figure, literary myth, dramatic text, Tirso de Molina, The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, invariants, hypotext, Molière, Don Juan or The Feast of Stone
| | | APACitation | Botezatu, Florentina, Gabriela (2014), Hypostases of Don Juan in the Romanian dramaturgy of the XXth century. Literary resemantisations of the mythical model. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
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