
Skip Navigation LinksDoctoral School of Chemistry and Life and Earth Sciences (2012)

​​​​Issue 1, Year of Award - 2012​



The Doctoral School of Chemistry and Life and Earth Sciences of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is a multidisciplinary research system, in which professors and scientists, having the legal capability to supervise PhD theses and belonging to three different faculties and five research areas, work together with PhD students. While some research topics are of limited area (for example Inorganic Chemistry of coordinative complexes or the Biology of a bird species), most other topics are quite interdisciplinary, the groups from Biology workin together with chmists or other specialists. In any case, the young scientists have full access to the existing infrastructure and databse in the three faculties: Geography-Geology, Biology and Chemistry. Besides, there is a large cooperation between the Doctoral School abd the Faculty of Physics, that of Mathematics, etc., as well as with the Botanical Garden, the Research Stations of the University, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Iasi, etc. By means of Erasmus or bilateral project funding and POSDRU funding, the PhD students may work together with their collegues and professors from Germany, France, Spain, Italy.

The educational offer of our Doctoral School encompasses five research fields: Biology, Geography, Geology, Enviornmental Scienes.



 Caseta redacțională


 Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD
 Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu
 Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu
 Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban

 Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași
 Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România
 Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102;
 E-mail: ;
 Pagina web:

 ISSN: 2501-1375
 ISSN-L: 2501-1375 ​​


Adochiței, Adriana, Peptides and metal-peptide complexes with biomedical implications and biological research.pdfAdochiței, Adriana, Peptides and metal-peptide complexes with biomedical implications and biological research 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Peptide şi complecşi peptido-metalici cu implicaţii biomedicale şi în cercetările biologice 
 Title (English)Peptides and metal-peptide complexes with biomedical implications and biological research. Abstract 
 AuthorAdochiței, Adriana 
 PhD supervisorDrochioiu, Gabi, PhD Professor 
peptides conformation, peptide-metal complexes, circular dichroism (CD), FT-IR spectroscopy, metal-nanoparticles, biological activity
 APACitationAdochiței, Adriana (2012), Peptides and metal-peptide complexes with biomedical implications and biological research. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Alexa, Iuliana, Florentina, Nanoporous materials – potential matrix for entrapping biologically active compounds.pdfAlexa, Iuliana, Florentina, Nanoporous materials – potential matrix for entrapping biologically active compounds 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Materiale nanoporoase - matrici potenţiale pentru entraparea substanţelor biologic active 
 Title (English)Nanoporous materials – potential matrix for entrapping biologically active compounds. Abstract 
 AuthorAlexa, Iuliana, Florentina 
 PhD supervisorPopovici, Eveline, PhD Professor 
controlled release, in vivo, in vitro, nanoporous matrix, mesoporous silica materials, layered double hydroxide, biologically active substances, captopril, aliskiren, methotrexate
 APACitationAlexa, Iuliana, Florentina (2012), Nanoporous materials – potential matrix for entrapping biologically active compounds. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Alexe, Costel, The climate and topoclimate of the Iaşi municipality and the metropolitan area.pdfAlexe, Costel, The climate and topoclimate of the Iaşi municipality and the metropolitan area 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Clima şi topoclima municipiului Iaşi şi a ariei metropolitane 
 Title (English)The climate and topoclimate of the Iaşi municipality and the metropolitan area. Abstract 
 AuthorAlexe, Costel 
 PhD supervisorGroza, Octavian, PhD Professor 
Metropolitan area, Active surface, Thermal/thermic inversions, Climate risk factors, Heat island, Topoclimatic regionalization, Urban topoclimate
 APACitationAlexe, Costel (2012), The climate and topoclimate of the Iaşi municipality and the metropolitan area. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Andro, Anca, Raluca, Physiological and biochemical comparative research on taxa of the genus Mentha L.pdfAndro, Anca, Raluca, Physiological and biochemical comparative research on taxa of the genus Mentha L 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Cercetări fiziologice şi biochimice comparative la taxoni ai genului Mentha L. 
 Title (English)Physiological and biochemical comparative research on taxa of the genus Mentha L. Abstract 
 AuthorAndro, Anca, Raluca 
 PhD supervisorZamfirache, Maria-Magdalena, PhD Professor 
Mentha, menthol, ontogenetic cycle, secretory hairs, essential oils, antibacterial activity
 APACitationAndro, Anca, Raluca (2012), Physiological and biochemical comparative research on taxa of the genus Mentha L. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Axinte, Loredana, Aspects regarding the preservation of some wooden churches from Suceava County against the attack of harm.pdfAxinte, Loredana, Aspects regarding the preservation of some wooden churches from Suceava County against the attack of harm 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Aspecte privind conservarea unor biserici din lemn din judeţul Suceava împotriva atacului insectelor dăunătoare 
 Title (English)Aspects regarding the preservation of some wooden churches from Suceava County against the attack of harmful insects. Abstract 
 AuthorAxinte, Loredana 
 PhD supervisorMustață, Gheorghe, PhD Professor 
insects harmful to heritage assets, xilophagous coleoptera, Anobium punctatum De Geer Priobium carpini Herbst, Ptilinus pectinicornis Linnaeus, Hylotrupes bajulus Linnaeus, Callidium violaceum Linnaeus, Stereocorynes truncorum Germar
 APACitationAxinte, Loredana (2012), Aspects regarding the preservation of some wooden churches from Suceava County against the attack of harmful insects. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Balaban, Sorin-Ionuț, Mineralogy and geochemical distribution of heavy metals from some mine tailings associated to Volcani.pdfBalaban, Sorin-Ionuț, Mineralogy and geochemical distribution of heavy metals from some mine tailings associated to Volcani 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Mineralogia și distribuția geochimică a metalelor grele din cadrul unor halde de steril asociate zăcămintelor de sulfuri polimetalice din litogrupul Tulgheș (Carpații Orientali) 
 Title (English)Mineralogy and geochemical distribution of heavy metals from some mine tailings associated to Volcanic Massive Sulphide deposits in the Tulgheș metamorphic unit (Eastern Carpathians). Abstract 
 AuthorBalaban, Sorin-Ionuț 
 PhD supervisorIancu, Ovidiu-Gabriel, PhD Professor 
tailings, geochemical distribution, heavy metals, sulphides, waste, mineralogy, correlations
 APACitationBalaban, Sorin-Ionuț (2012), Mineralogy and geochemical distribution of heavy metals from some mine tailings associated to Volcanic Massive Sulphide deposits in the Tulgheș metamorphic unit (Eastern Carpathians). Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Balan, Cristina-Gianina, Jijioara Basin – geomorphological study.pdfBalan, Cristina-Gianina, Jijioara Basin – geomorphological study 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Bazinul râului Jijioara - studiu geomorfologic 
 Title (English)Jijioara Basin – geomorphological study. Abstract 
 AuthorBalan, Cristina-Gianina 
 PhD supervisorIoniță, Ion, PhD Professor 
geomorphology, geographic informational systems, surface erosion, gully erosion, landslides, slide and erosion amphitheatre, land use.
 APACitationBalan, Cristina-Gianina (2012), Jijioara Basin – geomorphological study. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Bejan, Daniel, Geological study ofHuși – Murgeni – Bârlad –Vaslui – Muntenii de Sus area.pdfBejan, Daniel, Geological study ofHuși – Murgeni – Bârlad –Vaslui – Muntenii de Sus area 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Studiul geologic al zonei Huși – Murgeni – Bârlad –Vaslui – Muntenii de Sus 
 Title (English)Geological study ofHuși – Murgeni – Bârlad –Vaslui – Muntenii de Sus area. Abstract 
 AuthorBejan, Daniel 
 PhD supervisorBrânzilă, Mihai, PhD Professor 
Moldavian Platform, Scythian Platform, Chersonian, Pleistocene, Reptilia, Mammalia, Taphonomy, Paleogeography
 APACitationBejan, Daniel (2012), Geological study ofHuși – Murgeni – Bârlad –Vaslui – Muntenii de Sus area. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Big, Cristina-Laura, Current status of heavy metals soil and plant pollution in Baia Mare area.pdfBig, Cristina-Laura, Current status of heavy metals soil and plant pollution in Baia Mare area 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Stadiul actual al poluării și plantelor cu metale grele în zona Baia Mare 
 Title (English)Current status of heavy metals soil and plant pollution in Baia Mare area. Abstract 
 AuthorBig, Cristina-Laura 
 PhD supervisorLăcătușu, Radu, PhD Professor 
 DomainEnvironmental Sciences 
heavy metals, soil, plants, S.C. Romplumb S.A., S.C. Cuprom S.A., Baia Mare, transfer, translocation
 APACitationBig, Cristina-Laura (2012), Current status of heavy metals soil and plant pollution in Baia Mare area. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Borș (Coman), Dana, Elena, Optimizing the Use of the Lands for the Purpose of a Sustainable Development of the Iassy Vineya.pdfBorș (Coman), Dana, Elena, Optimizing the Use of the Lands for the Purpose of a Sustainable Development of the Iassy Vineya 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Optimizarea utilizării terenurilor în vederea dezvoltării durabile a Podgoriei Iaşi 
 Title (English)Optimizing the Use of the Lands for the Purpose of a Sustainable Development of the Iassy Vineyard. Abstract 
 AuthorBorș (Coman), Dana, Elena 
 PhD supervisorRusu, Eugen, PhD Professor 
optimising, vineyard, land use, bonitation, favourability
 APACitationBorș (Coman), Dana, Elena (2012), Optimizing the Use of the Lands for the Purpose of a Sustainable Development of the Iassy Vineyard. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Botezatu, Adrian, The geostrategic relevance of Russian-Chinese bilateral relations into a multipolar world.pdfBotezatu, Adrian, The geostrategic relevance of Russian-Chinese bilateral relations into a multipolar world 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Relevanţa geostrategică a raporturilor bilaterale ruso-chineze într-o lume multipolară 
 Title (English)The geostrategic relevance of Russian-Chinese bilateral relations into a multipolar world. Abstract 
 AuthorBotezatu, Adrian 
 PhD supervisorMuntele, Ionel, PhD Professor 
Russia, China, geostrategy, geohistory, The Russian-Chinese relations, The Mongol Empire, American hegemony, competition, perspectives, The Organization of Shanghai cooperation
 APACitationBotezatu, Adrian (2012), The geostrategic relevance of Russian-Chinese bilateral relations into a multipolar world. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Burlea, Ana–Maria, Geographic and socio-economic inequalities in the health of the population in Neamt county.pdfBurlea, Ana–Maria, Geographic and socio-economic inequalities in the health of the population in Neamt county 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Inegalitati geografice si socio-economice în starea de sanatate a populatiei judetului Neamt 
 Title (English)Geographic and socio-economic inequalities in the health of the population in Neamt county. Abstract 
 AuthorBurlea, Ana–Maria 
 PhD supervisorMuntele, Ionel, PhD Professor 
Medical Geography, Neamt County, health condition, inequalities, disparities, mortality, infant mortality, morbidity, index of deprivation, index of health, amplitude of inequalities, health system, index of accessibility, inequity
 APACitationBurlea, Ana–Maria (2012), Geographic and socio-economic inequalities in the health of the population in Neamt county. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Butelcă, Doru, Influence on soil geomorphological conditions in the upper basin of Barlad, upstream Bacesti.pdfButelcă, Doru, Influence on soil geomorphological conditions in the upper basin of Barlad, upstream Bacesti 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Influența condițiilor geomorfologice asupra solurilor din bazinul superior al Bârladului, amonte de Băcești 
 Title (English)Influence on soil geomorphological conditions in the upper basin of Barlad, upstream Bacesti. Abstract 
 AuthorButelcă, Doru 
 PhD supervisorRusu, Constantin, PhD Professor 
The basin of Barlad, morphometrical parameters, surface erosion, landslides, pedogenetical processes, the using of the terrains, the quality of the soils
 APACitationButelcă, Doru (2012), Influence on soil geomorphological conditions in the upper basin of Barlad, upstream Bacesti. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Camară, Gabriel, The interstitial cities of Romania.pdfCamară, Gabriel, The interstitial cities of Romania 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Orașele interstițiale din România 
 Title (English)The interstitial cities of Romania. Abstract 
 AuthorCamară, Gabriel 
 PhD supervisorGroza, Octavian, PhD Professor 
Hybridization and spatial planning, urban network, Romania, interstitial cities
 APACitationCamară, Gabriel (2012), The interstitial cities of Romania. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Chiriloaei, Francisca, Quantitative analysis of the channel changes of Moldova river in the extra-Carpathian reach.pdfChiriloaei, Francisca, Quantitative analysis of the channel changes of Moldova river in the extra-Carpathian reach 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Analiza cantitativă a modificărilor albiei râului Moldova în sectorul extracarpatic 
 Title (English)Quantitative analysis of the channel changes of Moldova river in the extra-Carpathian reach. Abstract 
 AuthorChiriloaei, Francisca 
 PhD supervisorRădoane, Maria, PhD Professor 
channel bed, braiding index, historical dynamics, millenial-scale dynamics, 14C, Moldova River
 APACitationChiriloaei, Francisca (2012), Quantitative analysis of the channel changes of Moldova river in the extra-Carpathian reach. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Ciobanu, Iustina, Brândușa, Cytogenetical and morpho-anatomical research to the local potato varieties in vitro cultivated.pdfCiobanu, Iustina, Brândușa, Cytogenetical and morpho-anatomical research to the local potato varieties in vitro cultivated 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Cercetări citogenetice şi morfo-anatomice la varietăţi locale de cartof cultivate in vitro prin metoda creşterii lente 
 Title (English)Cytogenetical and morpho-anatomical research to the local potato varieties in vitro cultivated through slow growth method. Abstract 
 AuthorCiobanu, Iustina, Brândușa 
 PhD supervisorGhiorghiță, Gogu, PhD Professor 
Potato, Local varieties, In vitro cultures, Daminozide, Mannitol, Sorbitol, Slow growth, Physiological indexes, Mitotic index, Histo-anatomy
 APACitationCiobanu, Iustina, Brândușa (2012), Cytogenetical and morpho-anatomical research to the local potato varieties in vitro cultivated through slow growth method. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Coisin, Magda, Comparative physiological and biochemical research of taxa of the Salvia L. genus.pdfCoisin, Magda, Comparative physiological and biochemical research of taxa of the Salvia L. genus 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Cercetări fiziologice şi biochimice comparative la taxoni ai genului Salvia L. 
 Title (English)Comparative physiological and biochemical research of taxa of the Salvia L. genus. Abstract 
 AuthorCoisin, Magda 
 PhD supervisorZamfirache, Maria-Magdalena, PhD Professor 
taxa of the genus Salvia, histo-anatomical research, micromorphological research, biochemical and physiological research, essential oils, microbiological research
 APACitationCoisin, Magda (2012), Comparative physiological and biochemical research of taxa of the Salvia L. genus. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Corman (Slătineanu), Tamara, Synthesis and charaterization of Zn based oxides with spinel-type structure.pdfCorman (Slătineanu), Tamara, Synthesis and charaterization of Zn based oxides with spinel-type structure 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Sinteza şi caracterizarea unor oxizi cu structură de tip spinel pe bază de zinc 
 Title (English)Synthesis and charaterization of Zn based oxides with spinel-type structure. Abstract 
 AuthorCorman (Slătineanu), Tamara 
 PhD supervisorPalamaru, Mircea, Nicolae, PhD Professor 
Spinel, Sol-gel, IR, Cation distribution, DRX, SEM, VSM
 APACitationCorman (Slătineanu), Tamara (2012), Synthesis and charaterization of Zn based oxides with spinel-type structure. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Dracinschi (Dughilă), Alina, Hydrogeochemical characteristics of some storage lakes from Jijia Catchment.pdfDracinschi (Dughilă), Alina, Hydrogeochemical characteristics of some storage lakes from Jijia Catchment 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Caracteristici hidrogeochimice ale unor lacuri de acumulare din bazinul hidrografic al Râului Jijia 
 Title (English)Hydrogeochemical characteristics of some storage lakes from Jijia Catchment. Abstract 
 AuthorDracinschi (Dughilă), Alina 
 PhD supervisorIancu, Ovidiu-Gabriel, PhD Professor 
AAS, ICP-MS, Jijia catchment (Romania), lake sediments, sediment core, storage lakes, trace elements, water quality indicators, water
 APACitationDracinschi (Dughilă), Alina (2012), Hydrogeochemical characteristics of some storage lakes from Jijia Catchment. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Dumitraș (Huțanu), Cristina, Amalia, Major environmental pollutants dinitrophenols and dinitrophenyl ethers, synthesis, ch.pdfDumitraș (Huțanu), Cristina, Amalia, Major environmental pollutants dinitrophenols and dinitrophenyl ethers, synthesis, ch 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Poluanţi majori ai mediului: dinitrofenoli şi dinitrofenil eteri, sinteză, caracterizare chimică şi activitate biologică 
 Title (English)Major environmental pollutants: dinitrophenols and dinitrophenyl ethers, synthesis, chemical characterization and biological. Abstract 
 AuthorDumitraș (Huțanu), Cristina, Amalia 
 PhD supervisorDrochioiu, Gabi, PhD Professor 
pesticide toxicity, dinitrophenols, dinitrophenyl ethers, FT-IR, UV-VIS, fluorescence, computational modeling, mechanism of toxicity, germination of wheat, yeasts
 APACitationDumitraș (Huțanu), Cristina, Amalia (2012), Major environmental pollutants: dinitrophenols and dinitrophenyl ethers, synthesis, chemical characterization and biological. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Fabian, Claudia, Integration of landscape into territorial development policy from mountain tourist areas.pdfFabian, Claudia, Integration of landscape into territorial development policy from mountain tourist areas 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Integrarea peisajului în politicile de dezvoltare teritorială din zonele turistice montane 
 Title (English)Integration of landscape into territorial development policy from mountain tourist areas. Abstract 
 AuthorFabian, Claudia 
 PhD supervisorGroza, Octavian, PhD Professor 
Cultural landscape, natural landscape, regional development, regional policy, protected area, Natural Park, resorts, Prahova Valley, the European Landscape Convention
 APACitationFabian, Claudia (2012), Integration of landscape into territorial development policy from mountain tourist areas. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Florescu, Anca, Implications of miR-9 gene methylation in the appereance and development of breast cancer in early stages.pdfFlorescu, Anca, Implications of miR-9 gene methylation in the appereance and development of breast cancer in early stages 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Implicațiile metilării genei miR-9 în apariția și dezvoltarea cancerului mamar în stadii timpurii 
 Title (English)Implications of miR-9 gene methylation in the appereance and development of breast cancer in early stages. Abstract 
 AuthorFlorescu, Anca 
 PhD supervisorCojocaru, Dumitru, PhD Professor 
Epigenetics, methylation, methylation specific PCR (MSP), PCR step down, microRNAs, miR-9, miR-200c, breast cancer
 APACitationFlorescu, Anca (2012), Implications of miR-9 gene methylation in the appereance and development of breast cancer in early stages. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Ghiţă, Georgiana, Luminiţa, Researches regarding the variability of the metabolom, taxonomically determined, of medicinal a.pdfGhiţă, Georgiana, Luminiţa, Researches regarding the variability of the metabolom, taxonomically determined, of medicinal a 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Cercetări privind variabilitatea metabolomului, determinat taxonomic, la plante medicinale şi aromatice 
 Title (English)Researches regarding the variability of the metabolom, taxonomically determined, of medicinal and aromatic plants. Abstract 
 AuthorGhiţă, Georgiana, Luminiţa 
 PhD supervisorZamfirache, Maria-Magdalena, PhD Professor 
medicinal plants, metabolom, taxonomically, histo-anatomical, inter- and intraspecific variability
 APACitationGhiţă, Georgiana, Luminiţa (2012), Researches regarding the variability of the metabolom, taxonomically determined, of medicinal and aromatic plants. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Huzum, Ramona, Geochemistry of selected trace elements in the soil –grapevine– wine system from Huşi area (Romania).pdfHuzum, Ramona, Geochemistry of selected trace elements in the soil –grapevine– wine system from Huşi area (Romania) 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Geochimia unor elemente urmă în sistemul sol - viţă de vie - vin din zona Huşi (România) 
 Title (English)Geochemistry of selected trace elements in the soil –grapevine– wine system from Huşi area (Romania). Abstract 
 AuthorHuzum, Ramona 
 PhD supervisorIancu, Ovidiu-Gabriel, PhD Professor 
vineyard soil, trace elements, wine, leaves, vines, Huşi, ICP-MS, geochemistry, ED-XRF
 APACitationHuzum, Ramona (2012), Geochemistry of selected trace elements in the soil –grapevine– wine system from Huşi area (Romania). Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Țicalo (Vieru), Delia-Nicoleta, Climate, air pollution and the influence of climatic factors in atmosphere pollution of Bot.pdfȚicalo (Vieru), Delia-Nicoleta, Climate, air pollution and the influence of climatic factors in atmosphere pollution of Bot 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Clima, poluarea aerului şi influenţa factorilor climatici în poluarea atmosferei municipiului Botoşani 
 Title (English)Climate, air pollution and the influence of climatic factors in atmosphere pollution of Botosani municipality. Abstract 
 AuthorȚicalo (Vieru), Delia-Nicoleta 
 PhD supervisorApostol, Liviu, PhD Professor 
climate of Botosani municipality, pollution sources, influence of climatic factors, pollutants concentrations
 APACitationȚicalo (Vieru), Delia-Nicoleta (2012), Climate, air pollution and the influence of climatic factors in atmosphere pollution of Botosani municipality. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Iftode (Moldoveanu), Simona, Mineralogy and geochemistry of the metamorphites and of the sulphide mineralization associated.pdfIftode (Moldoveanu), Simona, Mineralogy and geochemistry of the metamorphites and of the sulphide mineralization associated 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Mineralogia şi geochimia metamorfitelor şi a mineralizaţiilor de sulfuri asociate din perimetrul Mănăila (zona cristalino-mezozoică a Carpaţilor Orientali) 
 Title (English)Mineralogy and geochemistry of the metamorphites and of the sulphide mineralization associated from the Mănăila area (crystalline mesosoic-zone, Eastern Carpathians). Abstract 
 AuthorIftode (Moldoveanu), Simona 
 PhD supervisorIancu, Ovidiu-Gabriel, PhD Professor 
Mănăila, mineralizations, metamorphites, Eastern Carpathians, Tulgheş litogroup, ICP-MS, rare earth elements, electron microprobe, mineralogy, geochemistry, XRF, Romania
 APACitationIftode (Moldoveanu), Simona (2012), Mineralogy and geochemistry of the metamorphites and of the sulphide mineralization associated from the Mănăila area (crystalline mesosoic-zone, Eastern Carpathians). Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
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