
Skip Navigation LinksDoctoral School of Physics (2012)

​​Issue 1, Year of Award - 2012​

The Doctoral School of Physics is one of the oldest in our university, dating form the beginning of 1920. The research results are well known in the scientific world of Physics, not only by publication in jourlans with high impact factors, but also bt titles and diplomas given to some of the members of our research groups by prestigious universities and institutes form Europe and United States. The great number of important research grants allowed the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment which constitutes the foundation for the PhD research. There are 5 directions of study: Plasma Physics, Polymerr Physics, Optics and Spectrology; Biophysics, Medical Physics, Self-organization; Physics of Advanced Materials. Nanotehnologies. Applied Physics; Modeling and Simulation; Theoretical Physics.



 Caseta redacțională


 Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD
 Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu
 Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu
 Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban

 Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași
 Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România
 Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102;
 E-mail: ;
 Pagina web:

 ISSN: 2501-1375
 ISSN-L: 2501-1375


Focea (Ghioc), Ramona, Contributions to the study of living organisms response to X -ray and electrons after exposure to lo.pdfFocea (Ghioc), Ramona, Contributions to the study of living organisms response to X -ray and electrons after exposure to lo 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuţii la studiul răspunsului organismelor vii la acţiunea radiaţiilor X şi a electronilor în cazul expunerii la doze mici de radiaţii 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of living organisms response to X -ray and electrons after exposure to low doses of radiation. Abstract 
 AuthorFocea (Ghioc), Ramona 
 PhD supervisorLuchian, Tudor, PhD Professor 
ionizing radiation, low-dose, genotoxic effects, antibiotic resistance, catalase enzymatic activity
 APACitationFocea (Ghioc), Ramona (2012), Contributions to the study of living organisms response to X -ray and electrons after exposure to low doses of radiation. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Sdrobiș (Horchidan), Nadejda, Study of some perovskite solid solutions with ferroelectric-relaxor crossover.pdfSdrobiș (Horchidan), Nadejda, Study of some perovskite solid solutions with ferroelectric-relaxor crossover 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Studiul proprietăților unor soluții solide cu tranziție feroelectric-relaxor 
 Title (English)Study of some perovskite solid solutions with ferroelectric-relaxor crossover. Abstract 
 AuthorSdrobiș (Horchidan), Nadejda 
 PhD supervisorMitoșeriu, Liliana, PhD Professor 
Dielectric, ferroelectric, relaxor, FORC, BaTiO3, Tunability, Hysteresis
 APACitationSdrobiș (Horchidan), Nadejda (2012), Study of some perovskite solid solutions with ferroelectric-relaxor crossover. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Serghiac, Bogdan-George, Contributions to the study of electromagnetic field interaction with multilayered composite materi.pdfSerghiac, Bogdan-George, Contributions to the study of electromagnetic field interaction with multilayered composite materi 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuţii la studiul interacţiei câmpului electromagnetic cu materiale compozite multistrat. Aplicaţii la microsenzori 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of electromagnetic field interaction with multilayered composite materials. Applications to microsensors. Abstract 
 AuthorSerghiac, Bogdan-George 
 PhD supervisorRezlescu, Nicolae, PhD Professor 
electromagnetic field, composite material, eddy currents, electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation, high frequencies, metamaterials, microsensors
 APACitationSerghiac, Bogdan-George (2012), Contributions to the study of electromagnetic field interaction with multilayered composite materials. Applications to microsensors. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Poiană (Hogaş), Mariana, Research concerning magnetic nanocomposite materials of Co-TiO2 system.pdfPoiană (Hogaş), Mariana, Research concerning magnetic nanocomposite materials of Co-TiO2 system 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Cercetări privind materiale magnetice nanocompozit din sistemul Co-TiO2 
 Title (English)Research concerning magnetic nanocomposite materials of Co-TiO2 system. Abstract 
 AuthorPoiană (Hogaş), Mariana 
 PhD supervisorGeorgescu, Violeta, PhD Professor 
Electrodeposition, Composite materials, Anisotropy – magnetic, Thin films – ferromagnetic, Magnetoresistance - thin films
 APACitationPoiană (Hogaş), Mariana (2012), Research concerning magnetic nanocomposite materials of Co-TiO2 system. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Pascariu, Mihaela, Cytotoxic effects induced to some tumor cell lines by some peptides.pdfPascariu, Mihaela, Cytotoxic effects induced to some tumor cell lines by some peptides 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Efectele citotoxice induse de unele peptide asupra unor linii celulare tumorale 
 Title (English)Cytotoxic effects induced to some tumor cell lines by some peptides. Abstract 
 AuthorPascariu, Mihaela 
 PhD supervisorLuchian, Tudor, PhD Professor 
cytotoxic peptides,  culture cell lines, MTT, Flow cytometry assay, RTCA DP assay, apoptosis

 APACitationPascariu, Mihaela (2012), Cytotoxic effects induced to some tumor cell lines by some peptides. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Ojog (Zelinschi), Beatrice, Carmen, Contributions to the study of electro-optical properties in anisotropic media.pdfOjog (Zelinschi), Beatrice, Carmen, Contributions to the study of electro-optical properties in anisotropic media 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuții la studiul proprietăților electro- optice ale mediilor anizotrope 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of electro-optical properties in anisotropic media. Abstract 
 AuthorOjog (Zelinschi), Beatrice, Carmen 
 PhD supervisorDorohoi, Dana, Ortansa, PhD Professor 
electro-optical properties, anisotropic media, XRD method, the indices of refraction, polarized radiation
 APACitationOjog (Zelinschi), Beatrice, Carmen (2012), Contributions to the study of electro-optical properties in anisotropic media. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Năstuță, Andrei, Vasile, Study of interaction processes between low temperature plasmas and organic materials of biomedical.pdfNăstuță, Andrei, Vasile, Study of interaction processes between low temperature plasmas and organic materials of biomedical 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Studiul proceselor de interacţiune a plasmelor de temperatură joasă cu materiale organice de interes biomedical 
 Title (English)Study of interaction processes between low temperature plasmas and organic materials of biomedical interest. Abstract 
 AuthorNăstuță, Andrei, Vasile 
 PhD supervisorPopa, Gheorghe, PhD Professor 
Dielectric barrier discharge, plasma jet, optical emission spectroscopy, ultra fast photography, plasma bullets, plasma – tissue interaction, plasma – finger interaction, stimulation of
 APACitationNăstuță, Andrei, Vasile (2012), Study of interaction processes between low temperature plasmas and organic materials of biomedical interest. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Magop (Dragan), Daniela, Contributions to the study of nonlinear phenomena in quantum mechanics.pdfMagop (Dragan), Daniela, Contributions to the study of nonlinear phenomena in quantum mechanics 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuţii la studiul unor fenomene neliniare în mecanica cuantică 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of nonlinear phenomena in quantum mechanics. Abstract 
 AuthorMagop (Dragan), Daniela 
 PhD supervisorAgop, Maricel, PhD Professor 
non-differentiability, nonlinearities, fractals, fractal geometry, scale relatitity theory, fractal space-time, Casimir effect, Casimir force, Navier-Stokes equations, excited states of the atom, Lyapunov exponent
 APACitationMagop (Dragan), Daniela (2012), Contributions to the study of nonlinear phenomena in quantum mechanics. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Irimia, Mihaela, Study of thin films and multilayered structures with possible applications in transparent electronics and.pdfIrimia, Mihaela, Study of thin films and multilayered structures with possible applications in transparent electronics and 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Studiul unor straturi subţiri şi structuri multistrat cu posibile aplicaţii în electronica transparentă şi spintronică 
 Title (English)Study of thin films and multilayered structures with possible applications in transparent electronics and spintronics. Abstract 
 AuthorIrimia, Mihaela 
 PhD supervisorIacomi, Felicia, PhD Professor 
thin films, TCO materials, transparent electronics, semitransparent magnetic materials, sprintronics, multilayered structures
 APACitationIrimia, Mihaela (2012), Study of thin films and multilayered structures with possible applications in transparent electronics and spintronics. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Dascălu, Andreea–Georgiana, Study of cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by laser ablation.pdfDascălu, Andreea–Georgiana, Study of cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by laser ablation 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuții la studiul straturilor subțiri de ferită de cobalt depuse prin ablație laser 
 Title (English)Study of cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by laser ablation. Abstract 
 AuthorDascălu, Andreea–Georgiana 
 PhD supervisorCălţun, Ovidiu, Florin, PhD Professor 
Cobalt ferrite, thin films, substitution, rare earth, laser ablation, plume dynamics
 APACitationDascălu, Andreea–Georgiana (2012), Study of cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by laser ablation. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Dascălu, Carmen, Felicia, Contributions to implementing some methods for characterizing anisotropic media.pdfDascălu, Carmen, Felicia, Contributions to implementing some methods for characterizing anisotropic media 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuții la implementarea unor metode de caracterizare a mediilor anizotrope 
 Title (English)Contributions to implementing some methods for characterizing anisotropic media. Abstract 
 AuthorDascălu, Carmen, Felicia 
 PhD supervisorDorohoi, Dana, Ortansa, PhD Professor 
anisotropic media, natural crystals, liquid crystals, strech polymer films, refractive indices, birefringence, channeled spectrum, Wood filter
 APACitationDascălu, Carmen, Felicia (2012), Contributions to implementing some methods for characterizing anisotropic media. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Cuza (Spiridon), Delia‐Elena, Synthesis of complex polymeric structures by plasma techniques for medical applications.pdfCuza (Spiridon), Delia‐Elena, Synthesis of complex polymeric structures by plasma techniques for medical applications 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Obținerea de structuri polimerice complexe prin tehnici cu plasmă pentru aplicații în medicină 
 Title (English)Synthesis of complex polymeric structures by plasma techniques for medical applications. Abstract 
 AuthorCuza (Spiridon), Delia‐Elena 
 PhD supervisorDumitrașcu, Nicoleta, PhD Professor 
atmospheric pressure plasma, plasma treatment, polymer, biomedical applications, plasma polymerization, ʺsmartʺ polymers, substrate for biosensors, magnetic particles, nonspecific interactions
 APACitationCuza (Spiridon), Delia‐Elena (2012), Synthesis of complex polymeric structures by plasma techniques for medical applications. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Buhucianu, Ovidiu, Evolution of mesoscale quantum sistem.pdfBuhucianu, Ovidiu, Evolution of mesoscale quantum sistem 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Evoluţia sistemelor cuantice de mesoscala 
 Title (English)Evolution of mesoscale quantum sistem. Abstract 
 AuthorBuhucianu, Ovidiu 
 PhD supervisorDariescu, Marina-Aura, PhD Professor 
Biconfluent Heun’s functions, Dirac equation, Graphene, Hermite associated functions, Klein-Gordon equation, Mathieu’s equation, Neutron stars, Parabolic cylinder functions, Particle creation, Quantum Hall Effect
 APACitationBuhucianu, Ovidiu (2012), Evolution of mesoscale quantum sistem. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Asănduleasă, Mihai‐Gabriel, Physico – chemical processes in plasma reactors. Applications.pdfAsănduleasă, Mihai‐Gabriel, Physico – chemical processes in plasma reactors. Applications 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Procese fizico‐chimice în reactori cu plasmă. Aplicații 
 Title (English)Physico – chemical processes in plasma reactors. Applications. Abstract 
 AuthorAsănduleasă, Mihai‐Gabriel 
 PhD supervisorDumitrașcu, Nicoleta, PhD Professor 
Plasma‐polymerized films, atmospheric pressure, operational parameters, aromatic compounds, plasma polymerization mechanism, fragmentation reactions
 APACitationAsănduleasă, Mihai‐Gabriel (2012), Physico – chemical processes in plasma reactors. Applications. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Apetrei, Radu-Paul, Contributions to the study of cathode sputtering processes in structures with electro-magnetic confinem.pdfApetrei, Radu-Paul, Contributions to the study of cathode sputtering processes in structures with electro-magnetic confinem 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contributii la studiul proceselor de pulverizare catodica în structuri cu confinare electro-magnetica 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of cathode sputtering processes in structures with electro-magnetic confinement. Abstract 
 AuthorApetrei, Radu-Paul 
 PhD supervisorPopa, Gheorghe, PhD Professor 
cathode sputtering, magnetron discharge, hollow cathode discharge, emissive probe, floating potential, plasma potential, electron saturation current
 APACitationApetrei, Radu-Paul (2012), Contributions to the study of cathode sputtering processes in structures with electro-magnetic confinement. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: