Issue 3, Year of Award - 2014 The Doctoral School of Physics is one of the oldest in our
university, dating form the beginning of 1920. The research results are well
known in the scientific world of Physics, not only by publication in jourlans
with high impact factors, but also bt titles and diplomas given to some of the
members of our research groups by prestigious universities and institutes form
Europe and United States. The great number of important research grants allowed
the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment which constitutes the foundation
for the PhD research. There are 5 directions of study: Plasma Physics, Polymerr
Physics, Optics and Spectrology; Biophysics, Medical Physics,
Self-organization; Physics of Advanced Materials. Nanotehnologies. Applied
Physics; Modeling and Simulation; Theoretical Physics.
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Caseta redacțională
Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102; E-mail: ; Pagina web:
ISSN: 2501-1375 ISSN-L: 2501-1375
| Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Modele numerice pentru descrierea proprietăților dielectrice și feroelectrice ale sistemelor compozite | | | Title (English) | Numerical Models for Describing Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties in Composites Systems. Abstract | | | Author | Pădurariu, Leontin | | | PhD supervisor | Mitoșeriu, Liliana, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Ferroelectrics, Tunability, Switching Phenomena, Finite Element Method, Preisach Model, Monte Carlo Model
| | | APACitation | Pădurariu, Leontin (2014), Numerical Models for Describing Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties in Composites Systems. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Studierea sistemului vizual prin metode experimentale și computaționale | | | Title (English) | Study of visual system through experimental and computational methods. Abstract | | | Author | Aștefănoaei, Corina | | | PhD supervisor | Luchian, Tudor, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Visual system, Saccades, Action, Perception, Nonlinear dynamics, Multifactality, Complexity
| | | APACitation | Aștefănoaei, Corina (2014), Study of visual system through experimental and computational methods. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Proprietăți optice și spectrale ale unor materiale polimere cu potențiale aplicații în domeniul biomedical | | | Title (English) | Optical and spectral properties of some polymeric materials with potential applications in biomedical field. Abstract | | | Author | Cosutchi (Barzic), Andreea, Irina | | | PhD supervisor | Dorohoi, Dana, Ortansa, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Polymers, transparency, refractive index, optical activity, morphology, liquid crystals, irradiation | | | APACitation | Cosutchi (Barzic), Andreea, Irina (2014), Optical and spectral properties of some polymeric materials with potential applications in biomedical field. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Contribuții la studiul mecanismelor de transport în nanosctructuri | | | Title (English) | Contributions to the study of transport mechanisms in nanostructures. Abstract | | | Author | Stana, Adriana-Roxana | | | PhD supervisor | Agop, Maricel, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | thermal transfer, nanostructure, mechanism, electrical conductivity, Casimir force, fractal, theory of space.
| | | APACitation | Stana, Adriana-Roxana (2014), Contributions to the study of transport mechanisms in nanostructures. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Extensiuni post-newtoniene ale teoriei gravitației și rolul parametrilor fizici fundamentali | | | Title (English) | Post-newton extensions of gravity theory and the role of fundamental physical constants. Abstract | | | Author | Răuț, Mugur, Bogdan | | | PhD supervisor | Dariescu, Ciprian, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | post-Newtonian, non-inertial, dark matter, gravitational potential, expanding Universe, gravity theory, MOND, M theory
| | | APACitation | Răuț, Mugur, Bogdan (2014), Post-newton extensions of gravity theory and the role of fundamental physical constants. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Materiale avansate cu aplicații biomedicale | | | Title (English) | Advanced materials with biomedical applications. Abstract | | | Author | Nedelcu, Gigel, Gicu | | | PhD supervisor | Iacomi, Felicia, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | nanoparticles, ferrites, polymers, structural analysis, magnetic properties, ESR analysis, dielectric properties | | | APACitation | Nedelcu, Gigel, Gicu (2014), Advanced materials with biomedical applications. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Contribuţii la studiul rezonanţei feromagnetice în sisteme de particule feromagnetice cu interacţiuni | | | Title (English) | Contributions to study of ferromagnetic resonance in ferromagnetic particle systems with interactions. Abstract | | | Author | Lungu, Alin, Cristian | | | PhD supervisor | Stancu, Alexandru, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Ferromagnetic resonance, Transverse susceptibility, Linear regime, Synchronization
| | | APACitation | Lungu, Alin, Cristian (2014), Contributions to study of ferromagnetic resonance in ferromagnetic particle systems with interactions. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Contribuții la caracterizareea interacțiunilor intermoleculare în soluțiile unor compuși organici | | | Title (English) | Contributions to the characteristics of intermolecular interactions in solutions of organic compounds. Abstract | | | Author | Corban (Lupu), Oana | | | PhD supervisor | Dorohoi, Dana, Ortansa, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Intermolecular interactions, binary solutions, ternary solutions, electronic absorption spectra, pyridinium ylides, iso-quinolinium ylides, pyridazinium ylides, azo-benzene derivatives, 1,2, 4 - triazolium-ylides, polyvynil alcohol | | | APACitation | Corban (Lupu), Oana (2014), Contributions to the characteristics of intermolecular interactions in solutions of organic compounds. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Contribuţii la estimarea unor parametri electro–optici moleculari folosind efectul solvatocromic | | | Title (English) | Contrbutions to estimating some electro-optical parameters using solvatochromic effect. Abstract | | | Author | Școban (Rusu), Cristina, Marcela | | | PhD supervisor | Dorohoi, Dana, Ortansa, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Spectrally active molecules, ground state, excited state, solute, solvent, vitamins B3, B6, B12, solvatochromic effect, batochrom effect, hipsochrom effect, intermolecular interactions
| | | APACitation | Școban (Rusu), Cristina, Marcela (2014), Contrbutions to estimating some electro-optical parameters using solvatochromic effect. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Investigația moleculară a influenței structurii unor peptide asupra interacțiunii cu sistemele lipo-proteice | | | Title (English) | Molecular study of the influence of peptides structure over the interaction with lipoproteic systems. Abstract | | | Author | Șchiopu, Irina | | | PhD supervisor | Luchian, Tudor, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | antimicrobial peptides, aromatic amino acids, lipid membrane, amyloid peptides, copper, Alzheimer, conformation, nanopore, electrophysiology, fluorescence spectroscopy
| | | APACitation | Șchiopu, Irina (2014), Molecular study of the influence of peptides structure over the interaction with lipoproteic systems. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Contribuții în domeniul magnetometriei cardiace | | | Title (English) | Contribution in the magnetometry domain. Abstract | | | Author | Bănărescu (Iftemie), Anca | | | PhD supervisor | Baltag, Octavian, Ioan, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Physics | | | Keywords | Magnetic field, Feromagnetic shielding, SQUID biomagnetometer, Magnetocardiogram, shielding room, volume conductor, current sources, modeling the biomagnetic sources
| | | APACitation | Bănărescu (Iftemie), Anca (2014), Contribution in the magnetometry domain. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
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