
Skip Navigation LinksDoctoral School of Physics (2015)

​​Issue 4, Year of Award - 2015​


The Doctoral School of Physics is one of the oldest in our university, dating form the beginning of 1920. The research results are well known in the scientific world of Physics, not only by publication in jourlans with high impact factors, but also bt titles and diplomas given to some of the members of our research groups by prestigious universities and institutes form Europe and United States. The great number of important research grants allowed the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment which constitutes the foundation for the PhD research. There are 5 directions of study: Plasma Physics, Polymerr Physics, Optics and Spectrology; Biophysics, Medical Physics, Self-organization; Physics of Advanced Materials. Nanotehnologies. Applied Physics; Modeling and Simulation; Theoretical Physics.


 Caseta redacțională


 Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD
 Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu
 Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu
 Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban

 Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași
 Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România
 Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102;
 E-mail: ;
 Pagina web:

 ISSN: 2501-1375
 ISSN-L: 2501-1375


Pop, Mihai–Valentin, Experimental study on nonlinear dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics and realization of app.pdfPop, Mihai–Valentin, Experimental study on nonlinear dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics and realization of app 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Studiul experimental al proprietăţilor dielectrice neliniare în ceramici feroelectrice şi realizarea de aplicaţii 
 Title (English)Experimental study on nonlinear dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics and realization of applications. Abstract 
 AuthorPop, Mihai–Valentin 
 PhD supervisorMitoșeriu, Liliana, PhD Professor 
Ferroelectric ceramics, BaTiO3 solid solutions, high voltage experimental setup, spectral analysis of signals
 APACitationPop, Mihai–Valentin (2015), Experimental study on nonlinear dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics and realization of applications. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Boicu, Maria, Contributions to the study of micro and macro scale effects using non-linear dynamics. Abstract.pdfBoicu, Maria, Contributions to the study of micro and macro scale effects using non-linear dynamics. Abstract 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuții la studiul unor efecte la micro şi macro scară utilizând dinamica neliniară 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of micro and macro scale effects using non-linear dynamics. Abstract 
 AuthorBoicu, Maria 
 PhD supervisorAgop, Maricel, PhD Professor 
Extended Scale Relativity Theory, fractal curves, fractal logical elements, Hubble effect
 APACitationBoicu, Maria (2015), Contributions to the study of micro and macro scale effects using non-linear dynamics. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Teslaru, Teodora, Lăcrămioara, Characterization of polythiophene films obtained in atmospheric pressure plasma reactors.pdfTeslaru, Teodora, Lăcrămioara, Characterization of polythiophene films obtained in atmospheric pressure plasma reactors 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Caracterizarea filmelor de politiofen obţinute în reactori cu plasmă la presiune atmosferică 
 Title (English)Characterization of polythiophene films obtained in atmospheric pressure plasma reactors. Abstract 
 AuthorTeslaru, Teodora, Lăcrămioara 
 PhD supervisorDumitrașcu, Nicoleta, PhD Professor 
plasma polymerization, atmospheric pressure, conducting polymers, polythiophene films, stability, biological media, surface pre-treatment, silanization
 APACitationTeslaru, Teodora, Lăcrămioara (2015), Characterization of polythiophene films obtained in atmospheric pressure plasma reactors. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Nica, Mihai, Magnetization processes dependent of time and temperature in nanostructured magnetic systems.pdfNica, Mihai, Magnetization processes dependent of time and temperature in nanostructured magnetic systems 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Procese de magnetizare dependente de timp și temperatură în sisteme magnetice nanostructurate 
 Title (English)Magnetization processes dependent of time and temperature in nanostructured magnetic systems. Abstract 
 AuthorNica, Mihai 
 PhD supervisorStancu, Alexandru, PhD Professor 
FORC distribution, FORC diagram, Preisach model, Nanowire arrays, Magnetostatic interaction, Compensated interactions system
 APACitationNica, Mihai (2015), Magnetization processes dependent of time and temperature in nanostructured magnetic systems. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Creţu, Ciprian, Gauge-axiomatics in the geometro-dynamics of physical fields. Abstract.pdfCreţu, Ciprian, Gauge-axiomatics in the geometro-dynamics of physical fields. Abstract 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Axiomatici de etalonare în teoriile geometro-dinamice ale principalelor câmpuri fizice 
 Title (English)Gauge-axiomatics in the geometro-dynamics of physical fields. Abstract 
 AuthorCreţu, Ciprian 
 PhD supervisorDariescu, Ciprian, PhD Professor 
Wheeler-De Witt equation, Heun Double Confluent functions, Hermite associated functions, Relativistic bosons, Quantum Hall Effect, Thermodynamics
 APACitationCreţu, Ciprian (2015), Gauge-axiomatics in the geometro-dynamics of physical fields. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Atițoaie, Alexandru-Mihai, Contributions to the study of hysteresis and relaxation processes in spin transition systems. Ab.pdfAtițoaie, Alexandru-Mihai, Contributions to the study of hysteresis and relaxation processes in spin transition systems. Ab 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuții la studiul proceselor de histerezis și de relaxare în sisteme cu tranziție de spin 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of hysteresis and relaxation processes in spin transition systems. Abstract 
 AuthorAtițoaie, Alexandru-Mihai 
 PhD supervisorEnăchescu, Cristian, PhD Professor 
Spin Transition, Ising-like model, Monte Carlo Method, FORC diagram method, Kinetic Effects, Thermal Hysteresis
 APACitationAtițoaie, Alexandru-Mihai (2015), Contributions to the study of hysteresis and relaxation processes in spin transition systems. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Adomniței, Cătălin, Contributions to the study of hydrophilic and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 thin films doped with t.pdfAdomniței, Cătălin, Contributions to the study of hydrophilic and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 thin films doped with t 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Contribuţii la studiul proprietăţilor fotocatalitice şi de hidrofilicitate ale straturilor subţiri de TiO2 dopate cu metale tranziţionale 
 Title (English)Contributions to the study of hydrophilic and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 thin films doped with transition metals. Abstract 
 AuthorAdomniței, Cătălin 
 PhD supervisorMardare, Diana, Mihaela, PhD Professor 
photocatalysis, hydrophilic, oxidation, spray-pyrolysis, optical band gap, XPS, FT-IR
 APACitationAdomniței, Cătălin (2015), Contributions to the study of hydrophilic and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 thin films doped with transition metals. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Ciolan, Mihai, Alexandru, Surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles and films by low-pressure plasma processing. Abs.pdfCiolan, Mihai, Alexandru, Surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles and films by low-pressure plasma processing. Abs 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Modificări de suprafață ale unor nanoparticule şi filme de oxid de zinc folosind procesarea cu plasma de joasă presiune 
 Title (English)Surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles and films by low-pressure plasma processing. Abstract 
 AuthorCiolan, Mihai, Alexandru 
 PhD supervisorLuca, Dumitru, PhD Professor 
Zinc oxide materials, Plasma functionalization, Amine groups, Bioimaging
 APACitationCiolan, Mihai, Alexandru (2015), Surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles and films by low-pressure plasma processing. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Iftemi, Sorana, Elena, Physical determinants of cytotoxic peptides activity in reconstituted lipid systems. Abstract.pdfIftemi, Sorana, Elena, Physical determinants of cytotoxic peptides activity in reconstituted lipid systems. Abstract 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Determinanți fizici ai activității peptidelor citotoxice în sisteme lipidice reconstituite 
 Title (English)Physical determinants of cytotoxic peptides activity in reconstituted lipid systems. Abstract 
 AuthorIftemi, Sorana, Elena 
 PhD supervisorLuchian, Tudor, PhD Professor 
antimicrobial peptides, conformation, aromatic amino acids, lipid membrane, amyloid peptides, copper, metal ions, Alzheimer
 APACitationIftemi, Sorana, Elena (2015), Physical determinants of cytotoxic peptides activity in reconstituted lipid systems. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: