Issue 2, Year of Award - 2012 In an over
competitive enviorment, characterized by increasing technological progress and
adaption to new, complex socio-professional realities, psychology research has
the opportunity to distiguish itself and to become a competitive area. The Faculty
of Psychology and Education Sciences has embraced the mission to train
professionals actively involved in developing the Romanian and European
society. The Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences is a center
of expertise and a skill multiplier in psychological and educational research.
Promoters of international research standards, the members of the doctoral
school aim at attracting skilled candidates with a clear image on their
research future. | |
Caseta redacțională
Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102; E-mail: ; Pagina web:
ISSN: 2501-1375 ISSN-L: 2501-1375
| Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | Romanian | | | Title (Romanian) | Dezvoltarea competenţei interculturale prin intermediul cursurilor de formare la nivel european | | | Title (English) | Developing Intercultural Competence through Training Courses at European Level. Abstract | | | Author | Neştian, Oana | | | PhD supervisor | Bogathy, Zoltan, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | Intercultural competence, stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination, cultural diversity, indicators, intercultural dialogue, acculturation orientations, training courses, Roma, intercultural education
| | | APACitation | Neştian, Oana (2013), Developing Intercultural Competence through Training Courses at European Level. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Problematica acomodării emigranților într-un nou context educațional | | | Title (English) | The adaptation of emigrants to a new educational context. Abstract | | | Author | Vieriu, Aniella, Mihaela | | | PhD supervisor | Crețu, Carmen, Mihaela, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Education Sciences | | | Keywords | migration, theories of migration, migration factors, accommodating migrants
| | | APACitation | Vieriu, Aniella, Mihaela (2013), The adaptation of emigrants to a new educational context. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Demersuri teoretico-aplicative pentru construcția și implementarea unor strategii de utilizare a feedback-ului formativîn școală | | | Title (English) | Theoretical-applicative approaches to constructing and implementing strategies of using the formative feedback in schools. Abstract | | | Author | Șuhani (Diaconu), Amalia | | | PhD supervisor | Cucoș, Constantin, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Education Sciences | | | Keywords | constructivism, educational policy, formative autonomy, self-assessment, meta-cognition, educational assessment, assessment for learning, formative assessment, formative feedback
| | | APACitation | Șuhani (Diaconu), Amalia (2013), Theoretical-applicative approaches to constructing and implementing strategies of using the formative feedback in schools. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Modele de răspuns la item în evaluarea psihologică | | | Title (English) | Item response models in psychological assessment. Abstract | | | Author | Opariuc-Dan, Cristian | | | PhD supervisor | Constantin, Ticu, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | Item response theory, Item response models, Adaptive tests, Dimensionality, Internal structure, Calibration, |Pattern analysis, Curve estimation, Relations
| | | APACitation | Opariuc-Dan, Cristian (2013), Item response models in psychological assessment. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Predicţia recompenselor şi sancţiunilor la poliţiştii de frontieră operativi | | | Title (English) | Prediction of rewards and sanctions for operational border policemen. Abstract | | | Author | Negoiță, Laura, Simona | | | PhD supervisor | Constantin, Ticu, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | Rewards, Sanctions, Operational border policemen, Personality traits, Motivation, Criteria /indicators for assessing the professional activity
| | | APACitation | Negoiță, Laura, Simona (2013), Prediction of rewards and sanctions for operational border policemen. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Transmiterea intergeneraţională a modelului de ataşament. Intervenții de optimizare | | | Title (English) | Intergenerational transference of the attachment style. Optimizing interventions. Abstract | | | Author | Ionescu, Andreea | | | PhD supervisor | Dafinoiu, Ion, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | attachment, internal working models, parenting style, anxiety trait, adult attachment in a couple, anxiety, avoidance, marital adaptation, mother-toddler interaction, Lamaze Childbirth Education
| | | APACitation | Ionescu, Andreea (2013), Intergenerational transference of the attachment style. Optimizing interventions. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Structura şi dinamica teoriilor naive referitoare la relaţia dintre creativitate şi personalitate | | | Title (English) | The structure and dynamics of the naïve theories regarding the relationship between creativity and personality. Abstract | | | Author | Hojbotă, Ana-Maria | | | PhD supervisor | Constantin, Ana, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | naive theories, implicit theories, creativity, personality, creative self-efficacy
| | | APACitation | Hojbotă, Ana-Maria (2013), The structure and dynamics of the naïve theories regarding the relationship between creativity and personality. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | Romanian | | | Title (Romanian) | Strategii de coping ale angajaţilor faţă de abuzul psihologic din organizaţii | | | Title (English) | Employees’ coping strategies with workplace mobbing. Abstract | | | Author | Cramaruc, Nicoleta-Mihaela | | | PhD supervisor | Constantin, Ana, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | workplace mobbing, victim, perpetrator, leadership, personality, coping strategies, EVLN model
| | | APACitation | Cramaruc, Nicoleta-Mihaela (2013), Employees’ coping strategies with workplace mobbing. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Consilierea elevilor pentru carieră. Perspective constructiviste | | | Title (English) | Career counselling for students. Constructivist perspective. Abstract | | | Author | Bobu (Axinte), Roxana | | | PhD supervisor | Şoitu, Laurenţiu, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Education Sciences | | | Keywords | Counselor, career, advisor’s competencies and roles, constructivism, counseling model, “soft-skills” competencies, student, social success
| | | APACitation | Bobu (Axinte), Roxana (2013), Career counselling for students. Constructivist perspective. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Implicații clinice ale gândirii contrafactuale si ale fenomenului hindsight bias în tulburarile afective | | | Title (English) | Clinical Implications of Counterfactual Thinking and of the Hindsight Bias Phenomenon in Affective Disorders. Abstract | | | Author | Bârliba, Radu, George | | | PhD supervisor | Dafinoiu, Ion, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Psychology | | | Keywords | counterfactual thinking, hindsight bias effect, personality, affective disorders
| | | APACitation | Bârliba, Radu, George (2013), Clinical Implications of Counterfactual Thinking and of the Hindsight Bias Phenomenon in Affective Disorders. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Strategii de prevenire și combatere a abandonului școlar | | | Title (English) | Strategies for preventing and correcting school dropout. Abstract | | | Author | Alupoaie (Ungureanu), Loredana-Raluca | | | PhD supervisor | Şoitu, Laurenţiu, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Education Sciences | | | Keywords | school dropout, abandonment, dropout rate, dropout risk, school failure, prevention, intervention, programs, motivation, achievement motivation, self determination, engagement, achievement motivation scale
| | | APACitation | Alupoaie (Ungureanu), Loredana-Raluca (2013), Strategies for preventing and correcting school dropout. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
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