
Skip Navigation LinksDoctoral School of Psychology and Education Sciences (2014)

​​Issue 3, Year of Award - 2014


In an over competitive enviorment, characterized by increasing technological progress and adaption to new, complex socio-professional realities, psychology research has the opportunity to distiguish itself and to become a competitive area.

The Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences has embraced the mission to train professionals actively involved in developing the Romanian and European society. The Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences is a center of expertise and a skill multiplier in psychological and educational research. Promoters of international research standards, the members of the doctoral school aim at attracting skilled candidates with a clear image on their research future.


 Caseta redacțională


 Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD
 Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu
 Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu
 Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban

 Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași
 Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România
 Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102;
 E-mail: ;
 Pagina web:

 ISSN: 2501-1375
 ISSN-L: 2501-1375


Yasir, Abo, Rass, The influence of transformational leadership on the feeling, satisfaction and functioning of the teac.pdfYasir, Abo, Rass, The influence of transformational leadership on the feeling, satisfaction and functioning of the teac 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Influența conducerii transformaționale asupra sentimentului, satisfacției și funcționării profesorului în cadrul sistemului arab de educație din nordul Israelului 
 Title (English)The influence of transformational leadership on the feeling, satisfaction and functioning of the teachers in the Arab education system in the North of Israel. Abstract 
 AuthorYasir, Abo, Rass 
 PhD supervisorCrețu, Carmen, Mihaela, PhD Professor 
influence, transformational leadership, satisfaction, Arab education
 APACitationYasir, Abo, Rass (2014), The influence of transformational leadership on the feeling, satisfaction and functioning of the teachers in the Arab education system in the North of Israel. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Shibly, Zouheir, The influence of constructive teaching on achievements students in high school. Abstract.pdfShibly, Zouheir, The influence of constructive teaching on achievements students in high school. Abstract 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Influenţa predării constructiviste asupra rezultatelor elevilor din liceu 
 Title (English)The influence of constructive teaching on achievements students in high school. Abstract 
 AuthorShibly, Zouheir 
 PhD supervisorCucoș, Constantin, PhD Professor 
 DomainEducation Sciences 
specialize in constructivism, constructivist teaching, significant learning, dialogue, cooperative learning
 APACitationShibly, Zouheir (2014), The influence of constructive teaching on achievements students in high school. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Scutaru, Laura, Elena, A Model of Predictive Factors of Infidelity. Emotional Responses to Sexual versus Emotional Infideli.pdfScutaru, Laura, Elena, A Model of Predictive Factors of Infidelity. Emotional Responses to Sexual versus Emotional Infideli 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Un model al factorilor predictivi ai infidelității. Răspunsurile emoționale la infidelitatea sexuală versus infidelitatea emoțională 
 Title (English)A Model of Predictive Factors of Infidelity. Emotional Responses to Sexual versus Emotional Infidelity. Abstract 
 AuthorScutaru, Laura, Elena 
 PhD supervisorTurliuc, Maria, Nicoleta, PhD Professor 
mixed infidelity , sexual infidelity, emotional infidelity, emotional responses, behavioural responses, evolutionary theories, investment model, forgiveness
 APACitationScutaru, Laura, Elena (2014), A Model of Predictive Factors of Infidelity. Emotional Responses to Sexual versus Emotional Infidelity. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Postăvaru, Gianina-Ioana, Dimensions of Health-related Quality of Life among Patients Diagnosed with Breast Cancer.pdfPostăvaru, Gianina-Ioana, Dimensions of Health-related Quality of Life among Patients Diagnosed with Breast Cancer 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Dimensiuni ale calității vieții pacientelor diagnosticate cu cancer mamar, după mastectomie și în timpul curelor de chimioterapie și radioterapie. Premize ale unui studiu comparativ 
 Title (English)Dimensions of Health-related Quality of Life among Patients Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Following Mastectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Premises of a Comparative Study. Abstract 
 AuthorPostăvaru, Gianina-Ioana 
 PhD supervisorDafinoiu, Ion, PhD Professor 
health-related quality of life, participatory research approach, breast cancer survivorship, confessional data, research ethics
 APACitationPostăvaru, Gianina-Ioana (2014), Dimensions of Health-related Quality of Life among Patients Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Following Mastectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Premises of a Comparative Study. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Huluba (Grigore), Ana-Nicoleta, Current Forms of Violence in the Educational Context - a multilayered analysis.pdfHuluba (Grigore), Ana-Nicoleta, Current Forms of Violence in the Educational Context - a multilayered analysis 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Forme actuale de violență în contextul educațional– o analiză multinivelară 
 Title (English)Current Forms of Violence in the Educational Context - a multilayered analysis. Abstract 
 AuthorHuluba (Grigore), Ana-Nicoleta 
 PhD supervisorCucoș, Constantin, PhD Professor 
School violence, bullying, cyberbullying, aggressor, victim, witness, school climate
 APACitationHuluba (Grigore), Ana-Nicoleta (2014), Current Forms of Violence in the Educational Context - a multilayered analysis. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Curelușă (Bujor), Liliana, Emotion Regulation - Determinants, affective consequences and remedies.pdfCurelușă (Bujor), Liliana, Emotion Regulation - Determinants, affective consequences and remedies 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Reglare emoțională. Determinanți, consecințe afective și remedii 
 Title (English)Emotion Regulation - Determinants, affective consequences and remedies. Abstract 
 AuthorCurelușă (Bujor), Liliana 
 PhD supervisorTurliuc, Maria, Nicoleta, PhD Professor 
validation of tools, cognitive reevaluation, mediating variable, affective consequences
 APACitationCurelușă (Bujor), Liliana (2014), Emotion Regulation - Determinants, affective consequences and remedies. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: 
Butnaru (Buliga), Daniela, Georgeta, Work-family interface- From conflict and positive interactions perspectives to integra.pdfButnaru (Buliga), Daniela, Georgeta, Work-family interface- From conflict and positive interactions perspectives to integra 
 Type of contentAbstract 
 Title (Romanian)Interfața muncă-familie: de la perspectiva conflictului și a interacțiunii pozitive la modele integratoare 
 Title (English)Work-family interface: From conflict and positive interactions perspectives to integrative models. Abstract 
 AuthorButnaru (Buliga), Daniela, Georgeta 
 PhD supervisorTurliuc, Maria, Nicoleta, PhD Professor 
work-family interface, rational/irrational work-family conflict cognitions, selfefficacy for managing work-family conflict, individual and dyadic coping strategies, dyadic analysis of work-family interactions
 APACitationButnaru (Buliga), Daniela, Georgeta (2014), Work-family interface: From conflict and positive interactions perspectives to integrative models. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: